5C Datathon!

5C Hack is proud to host the first ever undergraduate data science competition of the 5 Claremont Colleges! The 5C Datathon is the perfect place to have fun, learn something new. We provide awesome swag, free food, large prizes, and mentorship to power you through the 6-hour event on Oct 21st, 2023.

Interested? Let's do this.


Registration closes Oct 18th 11:59 pm PT


The 5C Datathon will be a data analysis competition for undergraduate students of the five Claremont colleges. Over a period, participating teams will extract insights from, make visualizations of, and make predictions on large, complex datasets.

The goal of this Datathon is to expose students to the use skills of feature engineering, data processing, interpretability, and some machine learning. Of course, aligning with our club’s mission, the event is geared towards everyone, regardless of prior data science or statistics experience. Additionally, students who come from historically underrepresented backgrounds, especially in tech, are strongly encouraged to participate.

What makes the 5C Hackathon different?


We pride ourselves on building a creative and diverse techical community and in making the 5C Hackathon beginner-friendly and inclusive. At our last event, more than 50% of participants were first-time hackers, and more than 50% identified as non-male.

Individual Development

Teaching and mentorship are of the utmost importance. We teach beginner and advanced workshops throughout the week preceding the hackathon, an event we lovingly call Hack Week. We have mentors available throughout the event as well.

Theme, Tracks, & Overlays


The overarching theme is Tech for Good! Good means helping people, animals, organizations, or the environment positively. Good can be big, serving entire populations, and it can be small, impacting local or niche topics. In any case, it is always for the greater Good rather than personal gain.

Prizes will be awarded to the top team in each track and the top team in each overlay that creates a great project while demonstrating the spirit of Tech for Good. You can read more about about our Judging Criteria and Project Submission process on our DevPost.

Teams must enter into one of the following tracks. Teams may enter into multiple overlays, but are not required to enter into any.


Best Prediction

Harness machine learning and statistical models to make accurate predictions. We will display a live leaderboard that showcases the teams with the most precise predictions. Challenge yourself to be up there!

Best Insight

Turn raw data into actionable insights by telling unique stories. We invite you to dive deep into the data and extract meaningful knowledge. Visualize complex information with graphics and diagrams, revealing hidden patterns and trends.

Begninner Overlay: Google Backpacks

Is this your first datathon? We want to honor you and your bravery by awarding one beginner team a prize of their own. This overlay is only open to teams comprise entirely of beginner Hackers.



Are you a first time hacker? We want to honor you and your bravery by awarding one beginner team a prize of their own. This overlay is only open to teams comprised entirely of beginner Hackers.

Potential participant? Click here for more information.

Potential sponsor? Click here for more information.


The answers to all your burning questions.

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an event where folks come together to attend workshops, learn from each other, compete for prizes, be silly, and build meaningful projects.

Who can participate?

Any student from the Claremont Colleges is invited! Our hackers include all 5C majors, years, identities, and experience levels. Zero coding knowledge required or expected.

Do I need to know how to code?

Yes. Minimal coding experience is required to participate in the datathon, but data science experience is not! If this will be your first exposure to data science, we strongly recommend you to join! That said, if you want to learn the basics of analyzing a dataset in Python, attend the virtual workshop on October 20!

How can I participate?

Register at this form. It takes about 1 minute! Registration closes Oct 18th, 11:59 pm PST to ensure sufficient time to form teams.

Do I need a team to sign up?

Nope! You can sign up as an individual and we will help you meet other amazing people to create your hackathon team.

How big can teams be?

Teams can be comprised of 1-3 hackers. Teams must be finalized before the actual hacking begins!

What are the prizes?

We want to acknowledge that prizes are not the sole reason why you're here (we're all here to ideate and create for the sake of ideating and creating), but we also acknowledge that they can make your hackathon experience all the more memorable. Prizes consist of fun items, cash, credits, and various swag, to be annouced at the opening ceremony. And, of course, prestigious bragging rights, memories, etc. Sponsored tracks include sponsor-specific prizes.

How can I be a volunteer, mentor, or judge during the hackathon?

Send an email to 5chackathon@gmail.com. We'd love to have you on the team!

Fall 2023 Schedule


Oct 21, 2023

Date / Time Event Location
October 18th 11:59pm Registration Closes Online
October 20 How to analyze a dataset info session Online
October 21 11:00am Check-in Estella Laboratory Courtyard
October 21 11:30am Opening Ceremonies Estella Argue Auditorium
October 21 12:00pm Hacking officially begins
October 21 3:30pm Mid Datathon event TBD Edmunds Ballroom
October 21 6:15PM Closing ceremony Edmunds Ballroom
October 24 Winners Announced Check your emails!


Google Cloud


Why sponsor?

Sponsoring is a great way to connect with incredibly talented and creative students at the elite Claremont Colleges in computer science and in other diverse fields. By sponsoring, you can get access to the resumes of hundreds of students, showcase your API or product, and see students make awesome projects. As a sponsor, you’ll also have the opportunity to mentor students and get them excited about programming!

Ready to sponsor?

Please see the sponsorship tiers below detailing the different ways in which you can be part of the 5C Hackathon. Can’t find a tier that works for you? Send us an email at 5chackathon@gmail.com and we’ll work out the details.

Sponsorship Tiers



+ Swag distribution

+ Logo on website, t-shirts, poster



Everything in Bronze

+ Access to participant resumé database

+ Send engineers, recruiters



Everything in Silver

+ Prizes sponsored in [your] name



Everything in Gold

+ Keynote Speaker

+ Special logo placement on website, t-shirts, posters

Code of Conduct

We value the participation of each individual and want to provide a positive experience for everyone. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees. To make clear what is expected, all attendees, speakers, and volunteers are required to follow our Code of Conduct. Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, safe space for all!
Be Respectful.

Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Behave professionally. Remember that harassment and racist, sexist, or exclusionary jokes or project content are not appropriate for this event and will not be tolerated.

Harassment includes but is not limited to: offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, or religion; inappropriate images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; unwelcome photography or recording; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome attention.

Be Open.

We welcome attendees from all backgrounds and skill levels – from “never been to a hackathon before” to seasoned developers. This event is about increasing innovation, partnership, and engagement in the technical community on campus.

Be Awesome.

Do your best. Learn something new. Don't take it too seriously!


Reach out to our organizing team with any questions or comments at 5chackathon@gmail.com.



Sam Malik

Web Dev

Bennet Matazzoni, Haram Yoon, Rebecca Yao, Emily Zhu, Seohyeon Lee (Team Lead)


Hasana Parker, Rebecca Yao, Catherine Byen (Team Lead)

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